We are still waiting for the window guys to come fix the transoms under the porch, and that is keeping the brick guys from being able to finish all the brick. However, they are able to get started on the stone while they wait. Here is a sneak peek.
Here is another view of the difference in mortar color when it first goes on. The top really is so much darker than the bottom...I'm thankful that we were able to see it on the storage building first to know that it would lighten up!
They're almost finished bricking around the other windows.
Moving inside, you can see they've put the walls up in the laundry room...
...and the kitchen!
It is so much brighter in here now that all the dark wood is covered. It is also extremely dusty as you can tell in several of these pictures. This is the pantry...
The sun room...
Here's the dining room. In this picture I'm standing in the dining room looking towards the back yard. There is always so much stuff stored in this room that it is hard to get a full shot of what the room will actually look like. You may have to be surprised by the finished product!
This is our room...
and bathroom...
Here is the entrance to the walk in shower. I can't wait to see how this turns out!
Our room also has an doorway to the sun room.
The garage is all they have left to hang before the mudders start.
Chipper, our friendly neighbor, came over to check things out. (look at those eyes!) He's pretty good about cleaning up around the construction guys' lunch area for us.
He stayed this close to me the whole time. Thanks Neighbors for sharing your sweet pet.
Chipper, you can help me to convince Husband that we need a dog.

Just a little bit more work to do to finish up the outside.
They've really done a lot in 3 months!