Husband had a big birthday approaching and I couldn't let it go unnoticed. While he thought we were heading south for a quiet weekend at the Grand, I had something else up my sleeve.
The night before his birthday we celebrated his last day of 39 with sushi. He thought we were just meeting a friend for dinner, but was surprised by a group of friends and family that came to celebrate with him.
Little did we know that one of his friends had a lot more in store for him....At 5:15 on birthday morning she snuck into our house to be the first to welcome him to Forty!
While the picture alone is have to know that my dear husband has a fear of clowns! Now you're laughing even harder, right? This is his best friend from high school that could not let this day go quietly by. She's been planning this for months! This Clown then went to wake up the girls so they could be a part of the morning excitement.
Then she rushed home to post this picture on Facebook for all to see. As if that weren't enough, she then sent this email to anyone with an email address:
Here is the link for the "Happy Birthday" part of the WSFA morning show from this morning. I just couldn't let him not be included when it's such a special birthday! :-)
Have a super weekend!! are you wondering what more surprises could this birthday possibly bring? I shall tell you. As we were getting ready, I told Husband that we weren't really going to the Grand. In fact, we were going somewhere much cooler. Like...BOSTON. "Really..." he asked, "What are we doing?" I repeated that we were going to Boston and that we had dinner plans with some friends up there. He responded with "No. Seriously?" Third time's a charm, right? When I told him the third time and that we were taking off at 11:30, he jumped in gear!
I think he finally believed me when we actually got to the airport! Oh, how we love this city. Husband has been several times before, but always for business. This time we could play! It was too cold to take my hands out of my pockets long enough to take a photo, so several of my pics have come from Google Images and will be marked with ***
***Google Image*** |
We met our friends at the Green Dragon to catch up. We haven't all hung out together since our wedding!
Then it was time for dinner at
Assiggio's, one of the most delicious Italian restaurants in the
North End. Have I mentioned how much I love pasta? Well, I do! Yummmmmmmmmm!
You simply cannot go to the North End without having desserts!
Modern Pastry had so many exciting things that I almost went into a diabetic coma just
looking around! We went with the chocolate dipped cannoli with chocolate sprinkles...and all was right in the world.
A good time was had by all. I'm starting a petition to move these guys to Alabama!
Seriously, look what great friends we are already. Let me tell you about the first time I met this girl. Her crazy husband put me on a train in Boston (alone, solo, all by myself) and said
Listen for your stop and she'll be there. Good Luck! I did find her and then we spent the day with their two beautiful daughters at the beach
in sixty degree temperatures! Don't worry friends, I'm looking for a house for you. In fact...I know a great one for sale
right now!
These guys are dangerous together and should not be left unattended.
I really thought that I'd never be able to eat again, but amazingly enough, we woke up on Saturday morning STARVING. We wandered over to Quincy Market for breakfast.
Here is an aerial shot of the area where we roamed.
***Google Image*** |
We ate breakfast Saturday morning under this dome, and after re-energizing, we were off!
I love how the streets of Boston are such a mix of old and new.
We jumped on a bus to take us to the Constitution Museum where we checked out the boats while waiting for theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
DUCK BOAT! Please let me tell you how badly I wanted to take a duck boat tour the last time we were there. Is it a bus? Is it a boat? My friends, it is so much better!
This combination vehicle takes you around town, pointing out all the historic treasures on land.
Then, when you least expect it, they drive you straight into the harbor!
I. Love. A. Duck. Boat.
From our Harbor tour, the guide points out all the important things that you can see from this view...Including this humongous mountain of black plastic. Hmmm? What could be under theh-ah (that's how the captain pronounced 'there')? SALT. Piles and piles of salt for the icy roads this winter.
Here we could see USS Constitution, the world's oldest commissioned warship afloat.
After the duck boat we headed back to the Theatre District where we were staying.
Intermission Tavern was recommended to us as a great spot for lunch while as well as a good place to catch a few football scores. This cute little tavern (are taverns supposed to be cute?) is smushed right between two really tall buildings.
It is a really cool place with interesting artwork, masks, and other random things tossed about. They did turn on the Alabama-LSU game for us.
***Tavern Pic from their website*** |
Later that night we strolled down to
Paul Revere's House, which is downtown Boston's oldest building and one of the few remaining from colonial America.
***from Paul's website*** |
Our favorite restaurant,
Carmen, happens to be right beside Paul's house. Our reservation was at 9:45, so it was too dark for a picture, but I found this one online for you to fully understand just how tiny this restaurant really is.
**Google Images** |
It is an extremely narrow space that may seat about 24 people! But the food is sooo delicious that people don't mind waiting outside while others finish up their meals.
***Google Images*** |
Sunday morning we had breakfast at the North Street Grill and then strolled around town before heading to the airport. We decided to check out some of the stops on the
Freedom Trail.
Stop number one,
The Old North Church.
We'd gone by it before, but this time we actually went inside. Don't you love how old building smell and have the wooden floors that creak with each step?
Husband's favorite part about old buildings is the glass in the windows. The really old glass has a 'wavy' look to it because the glass was rolled by hand.
Our next stop was
Copp's Hill Cemetery, which looked extra creepy on such a dreary day.
Check out the head stones.
Oh, and I almost forgot. The leaves! Look how amazing!
Husband really loved the architecture. His camera is full of columns and railings and all other things rusted.
One of our final stops before heading back home was
The Park at Post Office Square.
If I worked near here, I would certainly take advantage of the WiFi and work from one of those benches! Lovely!
Thank you Boston, we had a blast on birthday weekend!
We will be back! (when its warmer)