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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

5 month photo shoot

I've had these pictures in a draft for quite some time now. Time to break them out and share with the world. First of all, these monthly photo shoots are becoming rather difficult now that Miss Juicy is more mobile. We get many goofy shots in the quest for that one 'good' one. Here are the many faces of my girl...

Oh, not that flashy box again!


Attempt at escape!

The 'Sweet, Precious Angel' pose
...wins over all the ladies at church!

Kickin' it on my owl!

Irresistible chunky leg rolls!

Trying to roll away...

...and this one just makes me laugh!

In other news, Juicy has also been introduced to the spoon! It was a rather shaky introduction...
 Here is the first attempt at oatmeal.

Clearly an epic fail.
Fortunately for us, take 2 was a much better success.

All parties involved end up in a grainy mess, but well worth the fun we have during the meal.

One day I'm going to regret all these iPhone pictures, but until then, I'm enjoying the convenience of a quick phone snap rather than breaking out the real deal camera.

 And for the family members that have asked...A quick month 5 happenings update:

finally outgrew 3 month clothes
smiles and laughs the majority of the time
 7:30 bed time and sleeps pretty soundly until we wake her up at 6am
reaches for everything...especially faces
rolls over and scoots all over her play mat and crib
loves to babble
behaves well enough to stay in "big Church" the entire time
first road trip...more on that later
loves different textures and scratches on everything
tried squash for the first time...was not a fan :)
can now reach the high notes in the squeal department
Momma no longer has eardrums
What? did you say something?


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