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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What lies beneath....

Yesterday afternoon we headed over to the lot to do a bit of cleaning up. The concrete trucks are coming today to block fill and there was wood and trash and broken blocks piled everywhere. The girls and I formed an assembly line to toss this pile of broken blocks away from the tree and into the porch area of the house.

Our method was working beautifully and we had over half of the pile moved in no time. Nothing too exciting about block moving, right...?

Pa-lease! Take a closer look and think again! As I lifted one of the larger blocks from the bottom of the stack, I thought I felt something a little different. I continued my part of the assembly line, but I happened to glance back over my shoulder.  Oh, nothing, just a hose...

But wait. It wasn't a hose. It was Satan's little hand puppet!

I had touched that thing!!! So I did what any other self respecting grown up would do...right there in the middle of the lot, I had a heart attack. I FREAKED OUT!  The girls were rather concerned by my sudden outburst of emotions and immediately came rushing over. My sweet husband, who heard all the commotion from the other side of the house, came to investigate...assuming of course that I was being overly dramatic about a little worm. This was NO worm! This was 6 feet of scaley, slithery, reptile! We tried to remember the rhyme: Red touches black-scratch him on the back. Yellow touches black....? WHAT HAPPENS THEN?!?!

Husband then called our across-the-street-friend/neighbor (who happens to be at the hospital with his wife today getting ready for the arrival of New Baby!!!) for back up. The guys returned with the proper snake-removal tools.  

Our little reptile friend was then mortally wounded by a garden implement.

Grandpa Adams always said that you should hang a snake up to make it rain. Who knows if there is truth in his old wives tale, but just in case we weren't taking any chances. In hopes for NO rain on our lot so that the builders may finish in a timely manner, we burried that little guy. Several times actually. He twitched his way out of his grave until finally deciding to stay buried. We all rejoiced.

**one reptile was harmed in the publishing of this post**
Please don't call PETA

1 comment:

Amy Leigh said...

OMG!!! Melanie-- thank goodness your life was spared! A big thanks to super hubby Dave and bystander Jason for the help ;) This just gives me the heebie-jeebies!!! I would have FREAKED OUT too! The house looks gray... but I know soon it will look GOOD! :)