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Monday, April 11, 2011

Softball and Sleepovers

Spring Break for the girls consisted of Softball games and Sleep overs. After school on Friday, they each had a friend to come home with them. We kicked things off with a pizza and movie night the girls baked some delicious cookies. (from G's stock pile of cookie dough from her school's fundraiser.) We all got up early Saturday morning to head to the Sportsplex for G's double header.

...which was delayed an hour due to an improperly placed pitcher's mound. Those pesky mounds.

The good news is that, after 5 hours at the ball park, they did win both of their games! Way to start of the season! They spent the rest of the weekend in the pool or on the golf cart...only pausing to grab a bite to eat.

They hit the pool again after church and didn't stop until parent's came for pick up. I think we all crashed after that! It was such a fun weekend and I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of these ladies this summer!

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